Does your dog hate bath time? Does he/she resist them over and over? If so, you probably dread it just as much. But what if bath time could be bonding time that you both enjoyed? It’s very possible! You just need the right game-plan.

Here are the best tips from dog experts to help your best pal fall in love with baths.

1. Before the bath – take a big walk

There’s nothing more refreshing than getting a dip in the water after exercising. Your dog feels the same way. Getting a bath after getting hot and exhausted will be much more enjoyable for your furry friend. They’ll also have less energy to make a fuss about it.

2. Take your time

It’s important to be relaxed and attentive when you bathe your dog. This will help him or her know they are in good hands and reflect your calm energy. So, find a time when you won’t be rushed for the experience.

3. Have a sunny disposition

How’s your body language or tone of voice when you approach bath time? Dogs are geniuses at picking up negativity. He or she could be sensing your bad attitude before you even begin. If you boost your mood and spend time focusing on your dog, he/she will start to associate getting bathed with getting love from you.

4. Let it be playtime!

Bath time is a great time to have fun together. Your dog’s attitude about getting groomed will definitely lighten up, especially if he or she has a fondness of toys. Let their favorite toys be welcome in or around the tub, or even get a few water-friendly “bath time toys” that your dog can look forward to having on this special occasion.

5. Check the details

Do you know if your dog prefers warm or cool water? Keep your water lukewarm, as that’s always a safe bet that the temperature won’t be the problem. It’s also a good idea to get them wet slowly and make sure that your dog feels comfortable first. This will build his or her confidence in you and make bath time successful.

6. After the bath: reward with treats

Another way to help your dog make positive connections with bath time is to reward him or her with their favorite treats afterwards (or during). If you can make it a consistent habit, your dog will know that the tub is a positive place