Your dog’s capabilities of respect and obedience are a reflection of your energy and patience. By teaching your dog a handful of basic commands, you’ll foster stronger communication and a better relationship with your dog.

Obedience training can be done in a variety of ways: you can attend classes or you can do it yourself. If you go about it with patience and positivity, you’ll make his training sessions successful and fun!

According to the experts, here are the top 6 commands all dogs should master:

1. Sit

This is the simplest command and a great starting point for your dog.

  • Step 1: Hold up a treat close to their nose.
  • Step 2: Slowly bring your hand up higher, so his head follows and his behind lowers down.
  • Step 3: When his behind is on the ground, say “Sit”, hand the treat to him, and give him love.

Repetition is key to learning any command. So have him perform this three times a day, until he’s got it down. Good times to try it are before you feed him, before you go for walks, and in other situations when you’d like him relaxed.

2. Come

This command is very useful and helps keep your dog safe in unexpected situations.

  • Step 1: Try this first while he’s wearing his leash and collar.
  • Step 2: Get down to your dog’s level, say “Come” and gently tug his leash.
  • Step 3: Once he comes, show him love and reward him with his favorite treat.

After your dog can perform the command with a leash on, take his leash off and try it somewhere safe and gated.

3. Down

Dogs who typically feel anxious or aggressive might find this command to be challenging because it puts them in a submissive position. So, try to encourage your dog to feel relaxed during the training. This will help him feel at ease in this amenable position.

  • Step 1: Take a flavorful (and strong-smelling) treat in your hand and close your fist.
  • Step 2: Bring your fist up to his nose. Once he’s intrigued and sniffing, bring your fist to the floor and wait until he has lowered his head down.
  • Step 3: Slowly drag your fist on the floor by his face, so his body also lowers down.
  • Step 4: When he’s completely on the floor, say “Down”, open your fist, let him have the treat, and show him love.

Do this at least once a day. Refrain from forcing him into the position by pushing on his behind. With the Down command especially, it’s important to be patient and encouraging so he doesn’t get defeated. This is a tricky one for many dogs!

4. Stay

Only try this one once your dog has mastered “Sit”. By practicing the “Stay” command, your dog will also be learning self-control, which makes it more of a challenge for energetic dogs. Stick with it and they will too!

  • Step 1: Get your dog into the “Sit” position.
  • Step 2: Show him the palm of your hand and say “Stay”.
  • Step 3: Walk a few paces back. When he stays put, give him a treat.

As you and your dog practice the “Stay” command, slowly increase how many backwards steps you take before handing him his treat. Whether your dog stays put for just a few seconds or until you tell him to come, it’s important to reward him for every successful effort.

5. Leave it

This command is essential to keeping your pooch out of trouble. For instance, if there’s dangerous food, like a chicken wing or chocolate, dropped on the ground, your dog is sure to sniff it out and gobble it up. By teaching your dog to “Leave it” and rewarding him with treats for doing so, he will start to respect those boundaries.

  • Step 1: Put treats in both of your hands.
  • Step 2: Bring one hand close to your dog’s nose, so he can smell, lick, and become intrigued. Once you have his attention, say “Leave it”.
  • Step 3: Your dog will try to get the treat in your hand by barking, pawing, or licking you. Only after he settles down, reward him with the treat from the other hand.
  • Step 4: Continue practicing until your dog steps back from your “first fist” as you give the “Leave it” command. The goal is to get him to look up at you as he backs away. So as your dog masters this command, start to only reward him as he learns to make eye contact with you as he backs away. This shows he’s waiting for your next command. When your dog masters this combination, you’re ready for the final test.
  • Step 5: You’ll need two different flavored treats (one that’s low-grade and one that’s his favorite). Say “Leave it”, put the low-grade treat on the floor, and place your hand over it to cover it from view. Stay still until your dog neglects that treat and puts his attention back on you. Once he’s paying no mind to the treat on the floor and is making eye contact with you, then remove that treat and reward him with his favorite treat and lots of love!

After he’s mastered this round, try it again without using your hand to cover the treat completely. Start with just holding your hand a little bit above the treat. Eventually, you’ll bring your hand further and further away from it until it’s hovering about half a foot above the floor. The next step will be to try it while you’re standing. If he tries to grab the treat, use your foot to block him.

Make sure to go at a speed that feels comfortable to your dog – you don’t want him to feel rushed. You shouldn’t feel that he’s not successful or that he’s not trying if these commands are challenging for him. Simply go back to the easier stages of a command until he has mastered every step.

These 5 basic commands will benefit your dog’s attitude, communication skills, and your relationship as a whole. While they definitely require time, effort, and a positive mindset, your dog will become a true master and reap the benefits throughout his whole life.